The Department of La Paz is located in the central area of our country, is limited with the departments of San Salvador, La Libertad, Cuscatlán, San Vicente and the Pacific Ocean. The territorial extension of La Paz is 1,223.61 Km2; of these 1,211.28 Km2 are located in rural areas and 12.23 Km2 in the urban area. This Department, according to the latest census of population and housing (2007) has a population of 307,836 inhabitants.
Division policy of La Paz
For a better administration La Paz Department is divided into 22 municipalities, being its departmental capital the city of Zacatecoluca. The municipalities of La Paz are:
- Cuyultitán
- El Rosario
- Jerusalén
- Mercedes La Ceiba
- Olocuilta
- Paraíso de Osorio
- San Antonio Masahuat
- San Emigdio
- San Francisco Chinameca
- San Pedro Masahuat
- San Juan Nonualco
- San Juan Talpa
- San Juan Tepezontes
- San Luis La Herradura
- San Luis Talpa
- San Miguel Tepezontes
- San Pedro Nonualco
- San Rafael Obrajuelo
- Santa María Ostuma
- Santiago Nonualco
- Tapalhuaca
- Zacatecoluca (Principal City)
Geography and economy
In La Paz are the rivers that form part of the three major basins of the country: Pupuluya-Comalapa, Jiboa River rivers and the rivers Jalponga – the Lempa; Lake Ilopango (72.0 Km2); the Hill Volcancito (1,300 meters above the novel of the sea); the volcano of San Vicente or Chinchontepeque with more than 2,181 meters above the novel from the sea.
Some of the things that occur in the Department of La Paz are cane sugar, tobacco, citrus, coffee, and cotton; also manufactured dairy products; and products of the pottery industry. This Department is one of the most popular tourist from El Salvador, since in some beaches and hotels are.